
22 Oktober 2020

Book Launching on Nature Travelling at National Park by Jatna Supriatna

Jatna berwisata alam - jawapos.com

From Balai Sidang University of Indonesia, on Friday, September 5, Jatna Supriatna launched a book titled ” Nature Travelling in the National Parks”. The book tells his experiences in exploring various national parks both inside and outside the country.

The latest data shows there are 51 national parks in Indonesia. The uniqueness and charm as well as the services it offers are very attractive environment for tourists. But park management is not optimal due to limited resources and funds to manage. Entrance fee charged to enter the park is still very low. “Entrance fees to national parks in Indonesia is very cheap. Only with 2,500 rupiah or equal with 2 cents US dollars you already be able to enter the national park “said Jatna which illustrates the very low costs incurred to enter the national parks.

Jatna said, other countries are very protective of their national parks, with for instance, by setting high fees to get into the area. “Do not be afraid that tourists would not come. Instead, they will appreciate the existence of national park even more “added Jatna. According to him, with greater revenues, it will allow the park authorities to manage the area and create a variety of interesting activities so that the community can be proud of and love the national parks.

At the same occasion also held a seminar entitled National Parks and Environmental Services that bring fellow speakers like Wahyudi Wardoyo of The Nature Conservancy, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyanto of the Ministry of Forestry , and Chris Margules of James Cook University.

In his speech, Bambang Supriyanto, Director of Environment Services and Forest Protected Area Conservation of the Ministry of Forestry, whom convey the Minister Zulkifli Hasan speech, said that during the last decade tourism in Indonesia is experiencing a paradigm shift. Today, travelers prefer to go for ecotourism, a new tourism trend that has more values for environmental conservation, and pay appreciation for nature. Not only that, ecotourism can also increase the contribution of people welfare around the tourist areas.

Changes in tourist trend was also observed by Wahyudi Wardoyo, former Secretary General of Forestry and also former head of the National Park of Gunung Gede Pangrango. Although he welcomed this new trend, there needs to be a sense of respect for nature by means of a comprehensive and full of sense of justice. According to him, justice is important.  With sense of justice, it  will provide more opportunity for our children and grandchildren to also enjoy the natural beauty of the present.

Chris Margules also shows some of the natural beauty in Australia which worth a visit, such as Kakadu National Park, and the New South Wales National Park. As for Indonesia, he saw tremendous potential for tourism. Natural beauty, tourist establishment potential and the ability to manage public tours can be used as capital for tourism development.

The enthusiasm of invited guests to attend the event were doubled because it became a warm unintentional reunion for environmental activists in Indonesia.

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