
22 Oktober 2020

Annual Report 2018

Since the first disbursement in the early 2011 the program has reached conservation impacts on approximately 4.4 million hectares area, which among others, include effective management or protection of forest or protected areas through e.g. patrols (1,323,890 ha), Community Based Forest Management scheme (1,207,491 ha) and establishment of effective policies. Community involvement in the conservation activities seems to be significantly increased. The program has involved more than 7000 individuals jointly working in 391 community groups. With regard to the conservation of endangered wildlife species, more than 990 thousand ha areas protected by patrol activities. habitat monitoring, human-wildlife conflict resolution, forest restoration, and Community Based Forest Management. For both TFCA-1 and TFCA-3, about 70 government related institutions and 43 private institution involved in TFCA-Sumatera activities.


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